The Natural Hot Tub Company Penetrating Spa Cleanser
Before using our Water Treatment and Conditioner, we highly recommend using The Penetrating Spa Cleanser.
What happens if I don't use The Penetrating Spa Cleanser before using The Water Treatment and Conditioner?
Five to eight weeks into use, The Water Treatment and Conditioner will continuously seek out chemical residues to eliminate them. When it finds those residues the water might turn a bit cloudy and give off a slight organic odor.
Using The Penetrating Spa Cleanser eliminates this problem.
The Penetrating Spa cleanser will remove chemical residues which have built up deep inside your spas plumbing and pump. These chemicals are oxidizers (chlorine and bromine in particular, bromine being the worst) that continuously eat away at spa plumbing, pumps, and seals, thus lowering the life expectancy of your spa and decreasing it efficiency.
We really recommend using The Penetrating Spa Cleanser, especially on older spas. Older spas that have been using chlorine or bromine for 5 years or more require two bottles of The Penetrating Spa Cleanser to remove the residues that have built up over that extended period of time.
New Customers are recommended to purchase The Natural Hot Tub Co® Start Up Kit, this will give you one bottle of The Water Treatment and Conditioner, one bottle of Penetrating Cleanser to do the initial cleansing treatment, and one bottle of Filter Soak to clean your filters with, and you save money off the retail price too. The Penetrating Spa Cleanser will add years of life to your spa it's the natural solution.