5 DISC PACK Flying saucer flexible plastic water diverter assembly holds METAL FOAM disc in spa skimmer Copper/Silver purifying disc kills 99.9% of bacteria as it passes through reducing chlorine/bromine use up to 90%. Only light oxidation needed after every usage (most use simple household bleach.) What is Metal Foam? Metal Foam is a porous disc produced by proprietary sintering manufacturing process. Powdered copper and silver (Cu/Ag) are melted into a sacrificing porous base with the metal taking the foam's shape. The new tremendously porous metal foam has now increased it's surface area by over 5000% compared with flat metal of the same weight. How does it purify my spa? Lifeguard Metal Foam is a proven media for the destruction of bacteria and virus. Test performed by the University of South Florida in Tampa show the effectiveness of this amazing new purification product. How does it work In my spa? Simply drop the "flying saucer" into the skimmer or into the center hole of your spa's filter. As contaminated water passes through the Metal Foam's huge surface area, it is exposed to the Cu/Ag metals and contaminates are destroyed. Metal Foam will work in conjunction with ozone or by itself to sanitize your pool. What is the big advantage? Water quality! Since Chlorine Bromine levels are significantly reduced, water is much more pleasurable to bathers. 2) Return on investment. An average of 80-90% reduction in chemicals will pay for the inexpensive Metal Spa Purifier very quickly. Is there any maintenance? Once a month simply remove the Metal Foam and backwash with a hose and reinsert. The Metal Foam unit should be replaced about every 4 to 6 months depending upon usage. Are oxidizers (chlorine and bromine) still required? Yes, Metal Foam will reduce chlorine/bromine usage up to 90%, however a low oxidizer is primarily required to "clear" the water. Metal Foam will eliminate algae, bacteria and virus but will not "burn up" sweat, hair oil and other contaminates. You should lightly oxidize your spa after every usage with 1/4 cup of household bleach or one tablespoon of non chlorine shock. This will polish the water of sweat by-products and dissipate quickly, leaving the spa virtually chemical free by its next usage. |